- 論文
- (51) M. Shibuta, T. Ohta, T. Kamoshida,K. Yamagiwa, H. Tsunoyama, T. Inoue,
T. Masubuchi, A. Nakajima, “Photoemission Spectroscopy and Microscopy for
Ta@Si16 Superatom and their Assembled-Layers”
Nanoscale 16 published
(50) M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Imaging of Ultrafast Photoexcited Electron
Dynamics in Pentacene Nanocrystals Grown on Graphite Substrate”
Nanoscale 16, pp. 12397-12405 (2024). Selected as a Back Cover
(49) T. Inoue, K. Mizoguchi, M. Tokita, M. Shibuta, M. Nakaya, T. Eguchi,
A. Nakajima, “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of Size-Selected Large
Silver Nanoclusters (n = 70~100) Soft-Landed on a C60 Organic Substrate”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 16597-16602 (2024).
(48) K. Terasaka, T. Kamoshida, T. Ichikawa, T. Yokoyama, M. Shibuta, A.
Nakajima, “Alkaline Earth Metal Superatom of W@Si16: Characterization of
Group 6 Metal Encapsulating Si16 Cage on Organic Substrates”
The Journal of American Chemical Society 146, pp. 9605-9613 (2024). Selected
as a Cover Art
(47) Y. Chiga, W. Suzuki, R. Takahata, E. Kobiyama, H. Tahara, Y.-K Kanemitsu,
M. Shibuta, M. Sakamoto, T. Teranishi, “Tuning of Photoinduced Electron-Transfer
Direction in Porphyrin-Protected Gold Clusters”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, pp. 3824-3831 (2024).
(46) S. Nojima, N. Murase, D. Kim, H. S. Kato, M. Akai-Kasaya, T. Yamada,
M. Shibuta, “Probing of Photocarrier Electrons and Excitons at an Organic
Monolayer Film Studied by Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, pp. 2043-2051 (2024). Selected
as a Supplementary Cover Art
(45) M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy and
Microscopy for Electronic and Plasmonic Characterizations of Molecularly
Designed Organic Surfaces”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Perspective) 14, pp. 3285–3295
(44) M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Spectroscopic imaging of photoexcited states
at a polycrystalline copper metal surface via two-photon photoelectron
emission microscopy"
Chemical Physics Letters 804, 13909 (2022).
(43) K. Kamoshida, M. Shibuta, T. Ohta, H. Tsunoyama, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Molecularly Optimized Cluster–Surface Interaction for Group 3-5 Metals-Encapsulating
Silicon Cage Superatom; on C and Coronene-Derivative Substrates”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 10889-10899 (2022).
(42) H. Li, M. Shibuta, T. Yamada, H. Hojo, H. Kato, T. Teranishi, M.
Sakamoto, “Band engineering leads to LSPR tuning based on diverse-phased
Cu2-xSySe1-y alloyed nanocrystals”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 8107−8112 (2022).
(41) M. Shibuta, T. Inoue, T. Kamoshida, A. Nakajima, “Al13 and B@Al12
Superatoms on a Molecularly Decorated Substrate"
Nature Communications 13, pp. 1336-1–8 (2022). press released, selected
as a front picture of web page, The Penmark (慶應義塾大学英文広報誌)で紹介
(40) M. Shibuta, M. Huber, T. Kamoshida, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, A. Nakajima,
“Size-Dependent Oxidative Stability of Missing or Excessive Silicon Atoms
for Tantalum-Atom Encapsulating Si16 Superatom: Reactivity Based on a Nanocluster-Surface
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, pp. 4423–4432 (2022).
(39) T. Yokoyama, T. Chiba, N. Hirata, M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Electrical
Conduction of Superatom Thin Films Composed of Group-V-Metal-Encapsulating
Silicon-Cage Nanoclusters”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, pp. 1199–1209 (2021).
(38) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, T. Ohta, T. Inoue, K. Mizoguchi, M. Nakaya,
T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Confined Hot Electron Relaxation at the Molecular
Heterointerface of the Size-Selected Plasmonic Noble Metal Nanocluster
and Layered C60”
ACS Nano 15, pp. 1199–1209 (2021).
(37) M. Shibuta, R. Takano, A. Nakajima, “Interfacial and Surface Oxidations
for Ta-Encapsulating Si16 Cage Superatoms (Ta@Si16) on a Strontium Titanate
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, pp28108−28115. (2020).
(36) K. Stallberg, M. Shibuta, U. Höfer, “Temperature effects on the formation
and the relaxation dynamics of metal-organic interface states”
Physical Review B 102, pp. 121401(R)-1−5 (2020).
(35) T. Inoue, M. Shibuta, T. Suzuki, A. Nakajima, “Occupied and Unoccupied
Levels of a Half and Perfluorinated Rubrene Thin Films Probed by One- and
Two-Photon Photoemission”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, pp. 12409−12416 (2020).
(34) K. Yamagiwa, M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Visualization of Surface Plasmon
Polaritons Propagating at the Buried Organic-Metal Interface with Silver
Nanocluster Sensitizers”
ACS Nano 14, pp. 2044–2052 (2020).
(33) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, H. Guo, J. Zhao, A. Nakajima, “Highly Dispersive
Nearly Free Electron Bands at a 2D-assembled C60 Monolayer”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, pp. 734–741 (2020).
(32) T. Eguchi, N. Hirata, M. Shibuta, H. Tsunoyama, A. Nakajima, “Formation
of Highly-Ordered Semiconducting Anthracene Monolayers Rigidly Connected
to Insulating Alkanethiolate Thin Films”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, pp. 26080–26087 (2018).
(31) H. Tsunoyama, H. Ito, M. Komori, R. Kobayashi, M. Shibuta, T. Eguchi,
A. Nakajima, “Liquid-phase Catalysis by Single-size Palladium Nanoclusters
Supported on Strontium Titanate: Size-specific Catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura
Catalysis Science & Technology 8, pp. 5827–5834 (2018).
(30) M. Shibuta, T. Niikura, T. Kamoshida, H. Tsunoyama, A. Nakajima, “Nitric
oxide oxidation of Ta encapsulating Si cage nanocluster superatom (Ta@Si16)
deposited on an organic substrate; Si cage collapse indicator”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, pp. 26273–26279 (2018). Selected
as 2018 PCCP HOT Articles
(29) M. Shibuta, T. Kamoshida, T. Ohta, H. Tsunoyama, A. Nakajima, “Oxidative
Reactivity of Alkali-Like Group-5 Metal-Encapsulating Si16 Cage Nanoclusters;
M@Si16 (M = V, Nb, Ta)”
Communications Chemistry 1, pp. 50-1–50-9 (2018).
(28) H. Tsunoyama, M. Shibuta, M. Nakaya, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Synthesis
and Characterization of Metal-Encapsulating Si16 Cage Superatoms”
Accounts of Chemical Research 51, pp. 1735–1745 (2018) Selected as Front
(27) M. Shibuta, M. Ogura, T. Eguchi, and A. Nakajima, “Energy Level Alignment
of Organic Molecules with Chemically Modified Alkanethiolate Self-Assembled
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, pp. 27399–27405 (2017).
(26) H. Tsunoyama, H. Akatsuka, M. Shibuta, T. Iwasa, Y. Mizuhata, N. Tokitoh,
A. Nakajima, “Development of Integrated Dry-Wet Synthesis Method for Metal
Encapsulating Silicon Cage Superatoms of M@Si16 (M = Ti and Ta)”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, pp. 20507–20516 (2017).
(25) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, K. Yamagiwa, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Photoexcited
Electron Transfer Properties at C60 Film on Graphite and on Au(111) Interfaces
Studied by Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy”
Chemistry Letters 46, pp. 1528–1531 (2017).
(24) K. Yamagiwa, M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima, “Two-photon photoelectron emission
microscopy for surface plasmon polaritons at the Au(111) surface decorated
with alkanethiolate self-assembled monolayers”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, pp. 13455–13461 (2017).
(23) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Photoexcited State
Confinement in Two-Dimensional Crystalline Anthracene Monolayer at Room
ACS Nano 11, pp. 4307–4314 (2017).
(22) N. Hirata, S. Suga, Y. Noguchi, M. Shibuta, H. Tsunoyama, T. Eguchi,
A. Nakajima, “Highly Ordered Self-Assembled Monolayers of Carboxy- and
Ester-Terminated Alkanethiols on Au(111): Infrared Absorption and Hyperthermal-Deposition
Experiments with Cr(benzene)2 Ions”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, pp 6736–6747 (2017).
(21) M. Shibuta, K. Yamagiwa, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Imaging and spectromicroscopy
of photocarrier electron dynamics in C60 fullerene thin films”
Applied Physics Letters 109, pp. 203111-1~203111-5 (2016).
(20) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, T. Ohta, M. Nakaya, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Direct observation of photocarrier electron dynamics in C60 films on graphite
by time-resolved two-photon photoemission”
Scientific Reports 6, pp. 35853-1–35853-9 (2016).
(19) T. Ohta, M. Shibuta, H. Tsunoyama, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Charge
transfer complexation of Ta-encapsulating Ta@Si16 superatom with C60”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, pp. 15265–15271 (2016).
(18) M. Shibuta, T. Ohta, M. Nakaya, H. Tsunoyama, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Chemical Characterization of an Alkali-Like Superatom Consisting of a
Ta-Encapsulating Si16 Cage”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (Communication), 137, pp. 14015–14018
(2015). (Highlighted as JACS Spotlights).
(17) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, R. Matsui, M. Nakaya, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Excitation and Relaxation Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Photo-Excited Electrons
on Alkanethiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, pp. 22945–22953 (2015).
(16) M. Ogura, M. Shibuta, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Electronic states of
titanyl phthalocyanine films on alkanethiolate self-assembled monolayers
probed by two-photon photoemission”
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195, pp. 272–277
(15) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Probing of an Adsorbate-Specific
Excited State on an Organic Insulating Surface by Two-Photon Photoemission
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, pp. 1825–1831 (2014).
(14) T. Yamada, M. Isobe, M. Shibuta, H. S. Kato, T. Munakata, “Spectroscopic
Investigation of Unoccupied States in Nano- and Macroscopic Scale: Naphthalene
Overlayers on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Studied by Combination
of Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy and Two Photon Photoemission”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, pp. 1035–1041 (2014).
(13) N. Wada, M. Shibuta, H. Shimazaki, N. Wada, K. Yamamoto, K. Kojima,
“Fluorescence properties and relaxation processes of Tb3+ ions in ZnCl2-based
Material Research Bulletin 48, pp. 4947–4952 (2013).
(12) M. Shibuta, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Imaging and characterizing long-range
surface plasmon polariton propagating in sub-mm scale by two-color two-photon
photoelectron emission microscopy”
Plasmonics 8, pp. 1411–1415 (2013).
(11) N. Hirata, M. Shibuta, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Excited electron dynamics
at ferrocene terminated self-assembled monolayers on Au(111): Lengthened
lifetime of image potential state”
Chemical Physics Letters 561-562, pp. 131–136 (2013).
(10) T. Ohta, M. Shibuta, H. Tsunoyama, Yuichi Negishi, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Size and Structure Dependence of Electronic States in Thiolate-Protected
Gold Nanoclusters of Au25(SR)18, Au38(SR)24, and Au144(SR)60”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, pp. 3674–3679 (2013).
(9) M. Shibuta, T. Eguchi, Y. Watanabe, J.-Y. Son, H. Oji, A. Nakajima,
“Probing buried organic-organic and metal organic heterointerfaces by hard
x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”
Applied Physics Letters 101, pp. 221603-1–221603-4 (2012).
(8) M. Nakaya, M. Shikishima, M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima,
“Molecular-Scale and Wide-Energy-Range Tunnelling Spectroscopy on Self-Assembled
Monolayers of Alkanethiol Molecules”
ACS Nano 6, pp. 8728–8734 (2012).
(7) N. Hirata, M. Shibuta, R. Matsui, A. Nakajima, “Electronic States of
Alkanethiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) Studied by Two-Photon
Photoemission Spectroscopy”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, pp. 13623–13628 (2012).
(6) K. Schubert, A. Damm, S. V. Eremeev, M. Marks, M. Shibuta, W. Berthold,
J. Güdde, A. G. Borisov, S. S. Tsirkin, E. V. Chulkov, U. Höfer, “Momentum-resolved
electron dynamics of image-potential states on Cu and Ag surfaces”
Physical Review B 85, pp. 205431-1–205431-9 (2012).
(5) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, Ryo Matsui, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima, “Charge
Separation at the Molecular Monolayer Surface: Observation and Control
of the Dynamics”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, pp. 981–985 (2012).
(4) M. Shibuta, K. Miyakubo, T. Yamada, T. Munakata, “Angle- and Time-Resolved
Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy for Unoccupied Levels of Lead Phthalocyanine
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, pp. 19269–19273 (2011).
(3) T. Yamada, M. Shibuta, Y. Ami, Y. Takano, A. Nonaka, K. Miyakubo, T.
Munakata, “Novel Growth of Naphthalene Overlayer on Cu(111) Studied by
STM, LEED, and 2PPE”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, pp. 13334–13339 (2010).
(2) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, K. Miyakubo, T. Yamada, T. Munakata, “Resonant
effects on two-photon photoemission spectroscopy: Line widths and intensities
of occupied and unoccupied features for lead phthalocyanine films on graphite”
Physical Review B 81, pp. 115426-1–115426-8 (2010).
(1) M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, K. Miyakubo, T. Yamada, T. Munakata, “Vibrationally
resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy for lead phthalocyanine
film on graphite”
Physical Review B 80, pp. 113310-1–113310-4 (2009).
- 解説等
- (1) 渋田昌弘, “半導体量子ドット薄膜により光増感した伝搬型表面プラズモンの高精度イメージング”
オプトロニクス (in Japanese) 504, pp. 109-114 (2024). (査読無)
(7) 渋田昌弘, “有機半導体表面・界面のキャリアダイナミクスの観測と超原子的機能の開拓”
理論化学会誌フロンティア (in Japanese) 5, pp. 202-211 (2023). (査読有)
(6) 渋田昌弘, “フェムト秒レーザー光を用いた機能性物質の時間分解光電子分光”
Fabrica (大阪市立大学 in Japanese) 33, pp. 12-22 (2022). (査読無)
(5) 渋田昌弘, “2光子光電子分光による機能性有機半導体薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス観測”
M&BE (in Japanese) 32, pp. 138–147 (2021). (査読有)
(4) 渋田昌弘, “機能性ナノスケール薄膜における電子ダイナミクスに関する研究”
Molecular Science (in Japanese) 13, pp. A0105-1–A0105-13 (2019). (査読有)
(3) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, M. Nakaya, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima*, “Dynamics
of Photoexcited Electrons on Self-Assembled Monolayers Probed by Two-Photon
Photoemission Spectroscopy”
The Bulletin of the Society of Nano Science and Technology (「ナノ学会会報」in
Japanese) 14, pp. 49–55 (2016). (査読無)
(2) T. Eguchi, M. Nakaya, M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, A. Nakajima, “Electronic
States and Excited Electron Dynamics for Alkanethiolate SAM”
The Journal of Surface Science Society of Japan (「表面科学」in Japanese) 35,
pp.432–437 (2014). (査読有)
(1) T. Munakata*, M. Shibuta, M. Mikamori, T. Yamada, K. Miyakubo, T. Sugiyama,
Y. Sonoda, “One-and two-photon photoemission micro-spectroscopy for organic
Proceeding of SPIE 6325, pp. 63250M-1–63520M-9 (2006). (Invited paper,
- 招待講演 (国際会議)
- (11) M. Shibuta, “Ultrafast spatial and temporal evolutions of photoexcited
electrons at functional organic surfaces and interfaces” The 24th East
Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2024), March 18-20, 2024 Taipei,
(10) M. Shibuta, “Two-photon-photoemission spectroscopy/microscopy of functional
organic surfaces and interfaces” NanospecFY2023, March 4-5, 2024 Okazaki,
(9) M. Shibuta, “Spectroscopic Characterization of the Functional Surface
Decorated by Sputter-Grown Size-Selected Nanoclusters” Global Plasma Forum
in Aomori, October 15-18, 2023, Aomori, Japan
(8) M. Shibuta, “Spectroscopic and Microscopic Investigation of Ultrafast
Electron Dynamics at Organic 2D Films” The 3rd Workshop Nanotechnologies
for 21st century cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain, October
6, 2022, Tirana, Albania.
(7) M. Shibuta, “Characterization and optimization of cluster-surface interaction:
metal-encapsulating Si16 nanocluster superatoms on organic substrates”
The 76th Fujihara Seminar: International Workshop on Designer Nanocluster
Materials – From Gas Phase to Condensed Phase, September 29-October 2,
2019, Tomakomai, Japan.
(6) M. Shibuta, “Photocarrier Dynamics at Organic Functional Film Probed
by Two-Photon Photoemission” 9th Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy of Organic
Materials for Electronic Applications (ASOMEA-IX), October 23-26, 2018,
Schluchsee, Germany
(5) M. Shibuta, “Photoexcited Electron Dynamics at Nanoscale Functional
Films Studied by 2PPE Spectroscopy and Microscopy” International Symposium
on Spectroscopy and Dynamics at Surface and Interface, May 24-25, 2018,
Kyoto, Japan.
(4) M. Shibuta, “Photoexcited Electron Dynamics in Organic Molecular Films
Probed by Two-Photon Photoemission” The 9th International Workshop on Nanoscale
Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology (NSS-9), September 25-28, 2017, Gyeongju,
South Korea.
(3) M. Shibuta, “Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy and Microscopy of
Photoexcited Electron in Organic Molecular Films” 10th International Symposium
on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics (USD10), June 11-16, 2017 Inzell, Germany.
(2) M. Shibuta, “Photoexcited Electron Dynamics of Organic Molecular Films
Studied by Two-Photon Photoemission” The 77th Okazaki Conference Series:
International Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular and Material
Sciences, March 6-9, 2017, Okazaki, Japan.
(1) T. Munakata, M. Shibuta, K. Yamamoto, K. Miyakubo, T. Yamada, “Vibrationally
Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission for PbPc Films” The 5th edition of the
international workshop on “Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular-Based
Interfaces”, January 25-28, 2010 Chiba, Japan
- 招待講演 (国内会議・セミナー)
- (7) 渋田昌弘, “自己組織化単分子有機薄膜の超高速光励起ダイナミクス”
応用物理学会2024春季年会3月22-25日, 上智大学 予定.
(6) 渋田昌弘, “機能性ナノスケール薄膜における電子ダイナミクス関する研究”
第13回分子科学討論会2019, 2019年9月17-20日, 名古屋大学 (愛知県・名古屋市).
(5) 渋田昌弘, “時間分解2光子光電子分光によるナノスケール薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス計測”
第61回極限コヒーレント光科学セミナー, 2018年6月19日, 東京大学物性研究所 (千葉県・柏市).
(4) H. Tsunoyama, M. Shibuta, T. Iwasa, Y. Mizuhata, N. Tokitoh, A. Nakajima,
“Synthesis of Metal Encapsulating Silico-polyhedron M@Si16 based on Gas-phase
Synthetic Approach” 日本化学会 第98回春季年会, 2018年3月20-23日, 日本大学船橋キャンパス (千葉県・船橋市).
(3) 渋田昌弘, “2光子光電子分光を用いた表面吸着系の電子ダイナミクス計測”
ナノ学会部会合同シンポジウム, 2015年11月27-28日, 九州大学 (福岡県・福岡市).
(2) 渋田昌弘, “機能性有機分子薄膜の2光子光電子分光”
日本物理学会 第70回年次大会, 2015年3月21-24日, 早稲田大学 (東京都・新宿区).
(1) 江口豊明, 渋田昌弘, 平田直之, 松井諒, 中谷真人, 敷島真也, 中嶋敦, “自己組織化単分子膜上での電子ダイナミクス” 表面・界面スペクトロスコピー
2011, 2011年12月2-3日, マホロバ・マインズ三浦 (神奈川県・三浦市).
- 依頼講演等
- (13) M. Shibuta, “Vibronic and Excitonic Fine Structures in 2PPE Spectra
for Polyaromatic Molecular Thin Films” Special Seminar SFB 1083, Jume 4,
2024, Philipps-Universiät Marburg, Marburg, Germany
(12) 渋田昌弘, “時間分解顕微光電子分光で観る機能性有機薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス" 関西支部令和5年度(2023年度)講演会,
2024年2月21日, 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス
(11) 渋田昌弘, “量子ドット増感剤を用いたプラズモン波伝搬の高精度イメージング"大阪公立大学・和歌山大学 第10回工学研究シーズ合同発表会,
2023年12月4日, I-siteなんば
(10) 渋田昌弘, “量子ドット薄膜による伝搬型表面プラズモンの光増感イメージングとプラズモニック相互作用の解明” コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞30周年記念発表会,
2023年11月11日, 東京たま未来メッセ
(9) 渋田昌弘, “フェムト秒時間分解光電子分光 / 顕微鏡による有機半導体表面の
キャリアダイナミクス観測” 日本物理学会 2023年春季年会 領域シンポジウム 先端量子ビームを用いた表面科学研究の最前線, 2023年3月23日,
(8) 渋田昌弘, “2光子光電子分光による機能性有機半導体薄膜の電子ダイナミクス計測” M&BE研究会 有機エレクトロニクスダイナミクスを探る計測技術の最前線,
2021年9月9日, オンライン
(7) 渋田昌弘, “フェムト秒パルスレーザーで観る機能性ナノ物質の電子ダイナミクス” 大阪市立大学工学研究科 機能創成科学セミナー, 2020年10月23日,
(6) M. Shibuta, “Visualization of surface plasmons propagating at the buried
organic-metal interface” SFB Organics Workshop, May 23,24, 2019, Forschungszentrum
Jülich, Jülich, Germany
(5) M. Shibuta, “Photocarrier dynamics in organic functional films studied
by two-photon photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy” Special Seminar
SFB 1083, October 29, 2018, Philipps-Universiät Marburg, Marburg, Germany
(4) M. Shibuta, N. Hirata, T. Eguchi, A. Nakajima “Adsorption-induced excited
state of organometallic clusters on SAM studied by two-photon photoemission
spectroscopy” International Workshop on Nanoclusters; from Fundamentals
to Functionality, September 6, 2014, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
(3) 渋田昌弘, “ナノクラスターの機能制御に向けた絶縁性単分子膜の電子物性計測” ERATO中嶋ナノクラスター集積制御プロジェクト 公開ワークショップ,
2013年2月12日慶應大学 (神奈川県・横浜市).
(2) M. Shibuta, “The Electronic States of Self Assembled Monolayer on Gold
Surface Studied by Two-photon Photoemission Spectroscopy” 1st International
Workshop for JST – ERATO Nakajima Designer Nanocluster Assembly Project,
October 30, 2010, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
(1) M. Shibuta, “Electronic Structure of Lead Phthalocyanine (PbPc) Thin
Films on Graphite (HOPG) Measured by Two-Photon Photoemission Micro-Spectroscopy”
Seminar at Professor Frank Schreiber’s Laboratory, July 7, 2008, Universität
Tübingen, Germany
- 受賞
- (3) コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞 2022年
(2) 南部陽一郎記念若手奨励賞 2021年
(1) 分子科学会奨励賞 2018年
- 研究費(学外)
- (7) 村田学術振興財団 研究助成 R6年度~R7年度, 代表
(6) 三菱財団 自然科学研究助成 R4年度~ R5年度, 代表
(5) 旭硝子財団 研究奨励 R4年度~R5年度, 代表
(4) カシオ科学振興財団 研究助成 R3年度~R4年度, 代表
(3) コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団 R3年度~R4年度, 代表
(2) 村田学術振興財団 研究助成 R1年度~R2年度, 代表
(1) 文部科学省 卓越研究員事業 R1年度~R5年度, 代表
- 科研費
- (6) 基盤研究(B) R6年度~R9年度, 分担(代表:金大貴教授)
(5) 基盤研究(B) R5年度~R8年度, 代表
(4) 挑戦的研究(開拓) R4年度~R5年度, 分担 (代表:山田洋一准教授)
(3) 基盤研究(B) R2年度~R4年度, 分担(代表:金大貴教授)
(2) 基盤研究(C) H30年度~R2年度, 代表
(1) 若手研究(B) H25年度~H26年度, 代表
- 特許
- (1) 渋田昌弘, 金大貴, 鎌田一輝, 測定方法および構造体, 特願2023-146121, 2023年9月8日出願